Best 6 WooCommerce Product Filter Plugins

Best 6 WooCommerce Product Filter Plugins

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce product filter plugins in the market? If you are, keep reading this article. Here, we will show you the top six WooCommerce product filter plugins you should try!

While running a WooCommerce store, you must develop multiple strategies to boost the conversion rate. Since some people prefer purchasing products from a specific price range or brand, adding a product filtering option to your online store would be ideal.

By default, WooCommerce comes with only a limited product filtering option. But you can enhance the store’s features with a dedicated WooCommerce product filtering plugin.

Are you wondering which WooCommerce product filtering plugins would be best for your store?

If you are, do not worry. This article will show you six of the best WooCommerce product filter plugins in the market, which you can use to improve the user experience of your store.

First, let’s see why using WooCommerce product filter plugins is good.

Why Using WooCommerce Product Filter Plugins Are Good?

When you handle a WooCommerce store with hundreds of thousands of products, offering a product filtering option for customers would be a good idea. Some people want to buy/check specific products.

For example, here’s the eCommerce giant Amazon. If you search for something here and check the left-hand side, you will see several options to filter the search results.

Amazon search results

Customers can turn specific options on/off and filter the available options. Adding this feature can quickly improve the customer experience and generate more sales.

Since the users can find the preferred product without delays, they might complete the purchase as soon as possible.

A dedicated WooCommerce product filter plugin will help you with this task.

Now you know why using WooCommerce product filter plugins is good. The next section will show you how to choose the best product filter plugin for your online store.

How to Choose the Best WooCommerce Product Filter Plugins?

While choosing WooCommerce product filter plugins, consider these factors:

  • Features: Check what features you get with the product filtering plugin. Some plugins will restrict access and ask you to upgrade to a premium version to unlock more potential features. So, check out the features available in the plugin.
  • AJAX filtering: When you have a lot of products, enabling the AJAX filtering option would be ideal. This way, you can eliminate every unnecessary page load and provide the results without issues.
  • Support: When you need help with the plugin, the official development team is the right place to seek help. Hence, ensure your plugin has an excellent customer support team.
  • Compatibility: There will be issues if the plugin isn’t comparable with your online store. So, ensure the product filter plugin is compatible with your WooCommerce installation.
  • Pricing: One of the main things you need to check is the tool’s pricing. You can find free, freemium, or premium solutions in the market. Ensure you are paying for the right tool. Plus, check the money-back guarantee if you are going to purchase a premium tool.

Now you know how to choose the best product filter plugin for your online store. Next, let’s see the top tools you can use for the task.

Best WooCommerce Product Filter Plugins

In a nutshell, the plugins we are going to list are:

  • WooCommerce Product Filters by Barn2
  • Product Filters for WooCommerce
  • YITH WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter
  • Product Filter for WooCommerce by XforWooCommerce
  • HUSKY – Product Filter for WooCommerce
  • WooCommerce Product Filter by WBW

Each plugin comes with unique features. Below, we will explain what makes each tool special. Based on your needs and preferences, pick a plugin.

Without any further ado, let’s get into the list.

1. WooCommerce Product Filters by Barn2

woocommerce product filters by barn2

When you need a product filtering plugin that will work on mobile and desktop, check out WooCommerce Product Filters. WooCommerce Product Filters is created by Barn2, a famous eCommerce plugin developer. The plugin has a user-friendly interface that will help you tweak the settings without hassle.

They created WooCommerce Product Filters with performance in mind. Since the plugin has a lightweight code, it won’t affect your WooCommerce store’s speed. You can also display the filtering option anywhere on the shop page. You can display it above the products, on the sidebar, or in a slide-out panel according to your liking.

Also, you can filter everything with WooCommerce Product Filters. The plugin is also compatible with most WooCommerce themes out there. Hence, you won’t get any compatibility issues while using WooCommerce Product Filters on your online store.


  • Optimized for mobile
  • Filter anything
  • Multiple filter display rules
  • Compatible with every WooCommerce theme
  • AJAX filtering


WooCommerce Product Filters by Barn2 is a premium plugin. You need to spend $79 a year for a single domain license.

2. Product Filters for WooCommerce

product filters for woocommerce

If you want an easy-to-use solution to add a product filtering feature to your online store, check out Product Filters for WooCommerce. It is one of the most popular plugins available with cutting-edge features. The tool is developed by the WooCommerce team; hence, you can ensure there won’t be any compatibility issues.

Since the plugin comes with AJAX technology, the customers can filter products without additional page loads. This will help you improve the user experience. Apart from that, the filtering option available with the plugin will allow you to filter results based on categories, attributes, tags, taxonomies, price, or stock status.

Product Filters for WooCommerce will also add two custom widgets to the online store – product filter and notes for product filter. You can add them to any available widget areas and improve your overall WooCommerce store. The plugin also has dedicated elements such as a price slider, checkbox, dropdown list, color, etc.

From the plugin’s settings, you can tweak them and embed the options in the front end.


  • Regular updates
  • Uses AJAX technology
  • Multiple filtering options
  • Pagination feature
  • Shortcodes ready
  • Custom widgets


Product Filters for WooCommerce is a premium plugin. The tool will cost you $6.59 monthly if you prefer monthly billing. On the other hand, if you are into annual billing, $79 a year would be the cost.

3. YITH WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter

yith woocommerce ajax product filter

YITH is another famous company that releases cutting-edge WooCommerce plugins to improve customer experience or conversion rates. To help you with product filtering options, they have developed a tool called YITH WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter. As the name says, the plugin has an AJAX product filtering experience.

This way, the customers can filter results without waiting for additional page loads. With the plugin, you can create unlimited presets that will be useful in multiple situations. You can use the custom shortcode or the Gutenberg block to embed the filtering option on any page or post.

Her feature you are going to love is the customization options. YITH WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter comes with a color customization feature. Using this, you can modify the styling of the filtering option without touching a single line of CSS. This way, you can match the color of the filtering option with your brand colors and improve the user experience.


  • Customize colors
  • Easy to use
  • Multiple filtering options
  • Optimized for Gutenberg
  • Customizable loading screen


YITH WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter is a freemium WooCommerce plugin. The free version of the plugin can be downloaded from the WordPress repository. The premium plan starts at $89 a year.

4. Product Filter for WooCommerce by XforWooCommerce

Product Filter plugin by xforwoocommerce

If your primary goal is to use a premium WordPress plugin that seamlessly integrates with page builder plugins, check out Product Filter for WooCommerce by XforWooCommerce. While you use any page builder plugin like Elementor, Beaver Builder, or WPBakery Page Builder (formerly known as Visual Composer), this plugin has got you covered.

There won’t be any compatibility issues when using these plugins together. The plugin will also work well with variable products. AJAX loading and infinite scroll are other features of Product Filter for the WooCommerce plugin. The tool also supports WordPress translation plugins like WPML and Weglot.

Hence, this plugin would be ideal for running a multilingual WooCommerce store. Adding the filtering option to WooCommerce pages is also easy. With the help of custom shortcodes, you can display the product filtering options on pages.


  • Supports page builder plugins
  • Infinite load pagination
  • Works with variable products
  • Responsive design
  • Excellent customer support


Product Filter for WooCommerce is a premium tool. From the CodeCanyon marketplace, you can get it. The plugin will cost you $39 (one-time fee).

5. HUSKY – Product Filter for WooCommerce


If you need a speed-optimized WooCommerce product filtering plugin for your website, check out HUSKY – Product Filter for WooCommerce. The plugin comes with a feature called Turbo Mode. It allows site owners to provide the product filtering function in the front end without creating heavy MySQL queries. This way, you can keep the performance of the website unaffected.

The store admin can also check the product filtering report from the backend. When you need to improve the conversions and listen to your customers, these reports will be helpful. The plugin also comes with AJAX technology. Hence, the user experience won’t be in trouble.

You can filter products based on metadata, titles, images, etc. Overall, HUSKY – Product filter for WooCommerce is an excellent plugin you should try.


  • Works with the latest version of PHP
  • AJAX enabled
  • Filtering via metadata
  • Custom reports
  • Turbo mode


HUSKY – Product Filter for WooCommerce is a freemium plugin. You can download the free version plugin from the WordPress repository. On the other hand, the premium version plugin will cost you $42 (one-time fee), and it is available in the CodeCanyon marketplace.

6. WooCommerce Product Filter by WBW


The last option we have for you is WooCommerce Product Filter by WBW. If you are running a WooCommerce website with Elementor page builder, WooCommerce Product Filter by WBW would be the best choice.

The plugin can add a responsive product filtering option to your WooCommerce store. You can embed the feature using shortcodes, and multiple filtering options will be available. All the options are easy to customize, and you can create new flyers with a few mouse clicks.

The filter results will be optimized for mobile and desktop screens, thanks to the responsive design of WooCommerce Product Filter by WBW.


  • Multiple filtering options
  • Floating mode
  • Responsive
  • Optimized for Elementor
  • Easy to customize


WooCommerce Product Filter by WBW is a freemium plugin. The free version of the plugin can be downloaded from the repository. The premium version will cost you $49 yearly for annual subscriptions and $89 (one-time fee) for lifetime subscriptions.


You will land on multiple options if you search for WooCommerce product filter plugins. If you are a beginner, choosing the right tool will be challenging. This article shows six of the best tools to add product filtering options to your WooCommerce store.

Choosing YITH or Barn2 WooCommerce product filtering plugins would be ideal when prioritizing features. On the other hand, when you prioritize compatibility, check out the product filtering plugin created by the official WooCommerce team.

HUSKY and WBW did a great job creating a speed and performance-optimized solution. Based on your requirements and preferences, you can choose a plugin.

Let us know which plugin you are going to use.

Sreehari P Raju
Sreehari P Raju

Sreehari P Raju is a freelance WordPress content writer. He started using WordPress in 2015 and loves writing tutorials, product reviews, and listicles. While not working, he loves playing Minecraft or eating KFC.

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